Sunday 16 December 2012

Friday Freebie #6 - Rice Krispie Coal

Rice Krispie Coal
Umm so it appears I'm late for Friday Freebie again this week... Sorry!! I may have to make Friday Freebie a once a month thing, we'll see. I promise it won't vanish completely though! 

Firstly, there's still a few hours until my 100 Follower Giveaway ends!! You can win two cute sock monkeys and a whole bunch of awesome teaching resources so click here if you want in! :)

And secondly your Freebie! :) When I was small I remember being told that if I wasn't good that Santa would bring me nothing but coal on Christmas Eve! So when I saw these cute Lump of Coal Rice Krispie Treats on pinterest I knew I had to give them a try. I know a few people who've been a little bit naughty this year! :)

They're easy and fun to make and taste pretty delicious so I though they'd make cute little presents to give to your class! But seeing as little kids tend not to like being told they're naughty I came up with this cute little poem to let them know these lumps of coal are pretty special!

Lump of Coal poem

The coal is really easy to make:
- Just use your normal Rice Krispie Treat recipe (I use this one) and add black food colouring! I found some at a kitchen supply store but you can buy some on amazon too. I used liquid food colouring and had no problems so go for that over gel/paste if you can. Once you've melted your marshmallows and butter just add in enough drops to turn the mixture black.
- Then mix in your Rice Krispies until they're fully covered.
- The next part is the messy bit. Lay out some baking paper on your counter and spoon little odd shaped dollops of the mixture onto the paper. You could also put butter on your hands and use them but be warned it's very sticky!!
- Then once they've set a little you can put a few into a clear plastic bag and tie it with ribbon.
- Print out these little poems onto card and tie them to the ribbon or onto sticker paper and stick them to the bags.
- And that's it! :)

Things I've Learnt:
- Don't worry about the size or shape of these little guys, the odder they are the better!
- Remember to take pictures of yours once they're all bagged up! I forgot! So all you get is the few crap pictures I took on my phone. :(

*Update: I made some more and tried using disposable plastic gloves spread with butter to make the - much easier!




  1. What a cute idea! I love rice krispie treats. I'm going to share this with my FB followers.

    I found you through the Manic Monday linky party.
    Michelle @ Teach123

  2. This is awesome!! I hadn't really planned on giving our neighbors xmas gifts because we haven't been here that long...until the awkward moment when they showed up at our door last night with a gift in hand for us...Now, I know what I am giving away this year!

  3. I love Rice Krispie Treats, and this is awesome! My kids were certainly get a kick out of getting this in their stockings.

  4. I so have to do this! Thanks for the idea, stopping by from Pin Me :)

  5. These are too cute! I love this idea - I know of a few people who have been bad this year!

    Cynthia at

  6. What a great idea! This is perfect for the ones that have been bad, but will be rewarded so good.....Thank you for sharing at Foodie Friends Friday.

  7. Congratulations! This post is featured over at Diana Rambles today and has been pinned in the Featured at Diana Rambles board at Pinterest. Please grab a featured button off my tabbed sidebar or via the link under the features. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!


Thanks for all your lovely comments! They make my day. :)

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